Gateway Services / Access Johnson County Public Transit participated in Dancing with the Johnson County Starts in 2023 (our 2nd year). We raised $59,797 for local match for grant awarded vehicles (4). Long story short we weren't supposed to have paid local match they were to be 100% Federally funded. But then the supply chain shortage occurred which doubled the cost of the vehicles. So we ended up paying 20% of that amount. We paid for the local match for all 4 and we were only short $5,500. Which is a huge blessing. I love Johnson County!!! No I did not grow up here but I've been in the county for 40 years and it feels like my hometown.
The Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) has announced that they are distributing $130 million to Indiana disability service providers with 95% of the funds received to be directed to eligible direct care staff. Direct service workers are essential in providing the day-to-day, in person supports necessary for people to live, work, and participate in their communities.
FSSA is issuing Gateway Services $33,889 in three installments during the first half of 2023. The funds can be used for wage-related purposes such as one time bonuses, or other direct wrap-around supports such as transportation assistance, child care, or other one time benefits. We plan to use the first installment for bonuses for of our direct care staff and once we receive the funds, we will distribute them to staff within 30 days, as a separate payment through our payroll process. Updated notice will be placed on this site if the remaining two installments are to be used for a different form of direct staff support based on feedback from staff after the initial bonuses. We expect all funds to be dispersed within 30 of receiving the last installment. Please reach out to Jennifer Moss with any question regarding how the funds will be spent. 2023 I hope you are better than 2020, 2021 and 2022. To be fair 2022 wasn't so bad COVID is on the down swing, not gone and certainly not forgotten. We have lost a significant number of people these last three years and hope no more will suffer due to this pandemic.
We hope and pray for Peace on Earth and Goodwill toward all men women and children. We hope and pray the economy settles down and that no one becomes homeless and or goes hungry. We live in one of the richest countries on earth and we ALL need to do better and help our fellow man. We need everyone to Be Kind, Be Humble, and Be Respectful. Wow now that would definitely change the world around us. To those that feel like they need to lie, steal and cheat. STOP and be part of the solution and not part of the problem. To those that feel like they need to be mean, angry and violent. It is time to STOP. Find help, find out why you feel this is your only recourse and become part of a solution and not the problem. Find a local not for profit and volunteer for them or donate to them. There are several all over Johnson County. So to that end I want to say Lets all be BETTER for 2023! Well it is November the month of counting our Blessings and being thankful. I for one am thankful we live in a free country. I am thankful for my family and my work family at Gateway Services, Inc. / Access Johnson County Public Transit. I am thankful that I have a place to live work and play. I could go on and on. But I would really like it if you work comment and let us know what you are thankful for.
WE were back at the Johnson County Fair this year. We started serving Lemon Shake Ups in 1972 which makes 2022 our 50th Anniversary.
While I was at the county fair I overheard a conversation wondering where to get drinks. I of course, not being shy in the least piped up "Gateway Services Lemon Shake Up stand". Then I told them we have had 50 years of experience in making them and they are the best on the Johnson County Fair grounds. More Lemon news: Each year we squeeze 65 cases which is over 10,000 lemons! Bargersville First Christian Church opens their kitchen and dining space so we can squeeze all those lemons. We used 665 pounds of sugar this year - all was donated! We purchased 199 bags of ice from Whiteland FFA students. We received over $2,000 in donations to assist with the expenses for the fair. Johnson Memorial Hospital donated the cups for the shake ups this year. Also a huge shout out to the 200+ volunteers it takes to squeeze the lemons in advance and work at the county fair every day. We could not do it without you! The money raised helps us to continue to serve people with disabilities and to keep the public transit service going in Johnson County. YOU help us do what we do and WE THANK YOU! If you are interested in helping next year please feel free to contact Becky Allen at [email protected]. Large or small, young or seasoned (not old) we have jobs for everyone. See you next year ....... It is hard to believe that we have another year under our belts. 2021 went pretty quickly. What have we learned this year:
1. The Corona Virus is most likely here to stay like the flu or the common cold and that it is more deadly then either of those. 2. Using zoom isn't so bad. Now I just have to figure out how to make a meeting room. (This old dog is not as good at all these new tricks) However I did figure out how to change my background on zoom. 3. Being short of staff is very stressful. For the first time since 2019 I can see the light at the end of the the shortage tunnel at least in transportation. 4. The new normal now is to wear your mask anytime you go out or are in a large group of people. Good side is not getting anything including flu or the common cold. 5. People have been very generous to the not for profits in 2021. More donations and more free renovations (more on that next blog) 6. I miss the Johnson County Fair Yes I said it! I miss Lemon Shake Ups - hope this is the year we come back - Stay tuned. 7. Our staff in every department have been so creative in keeping services going now more than ever. We hope we can start going out into the community this year as well. 8. The people in our lives family, friends and work family and friends should be cherished and appreciated as tomorrow is not guaranteed! So in closing I hope and yes I am praying that 2022 will get us a little closer to some kind of normal. And we find a happy medium between the new and old normal. Becky Allen, Director of Transit As you may know, Gateway has had a lemon shake up stand at the Johnson County Fair for 49 years—since 1972 in fact. Manned exclusively by volunteers, the lemonade stand is our biggest fundraising event each year and for many fairgoers getting their homemade lemon shakeup is a tasty tradition. |