Well it is Fair time again. You do know what that means? That is right it is Lemon Shake Up time for Gateway Services, Inc. For those of you who are new to Gateway let me fill you in on a few things. 1. Gateway has done the Lemon Shake Up Stand at the Johnson County Fair since 1972 which makes this our 46th year. 2. We squeeze 80 cases of lemons, that's over 13,000 lemons for you novices in only one day. Usually takes us less than 8 hours from start to finish including clean up. . We use over 850 pounds of sugar and over 280 bags of ice last year in order to make the BEST Lemon Shake Ups on the Johnson County Fair Grounds. 4. We need over 200 volunteers to make this fundraiser a success. With that being said we need volunteers on Thursday, July 12 starting at 7:30 until finished. We do not expect anyone to stay the whole time but any time you can would be much appreciated. We also have 7 shifts available the week of the Fair July 15-21. If you have a group of 8-10 people that you would like to have fun while giving back to a local not for profit then please contact Becky Allen at [email protected]. All ages are welcome! We are truly excited in seeing you all out at the Johnson County Fair. Two!
Two-ah! There's TWO more days days to Giving Day! We are excited about this Thursday because we love our mission of A Future Without Limits: Build Community, Create Opportunity, Expect Success, Change Lives! We hope you do too! Support our cause and Give Where You Live! Visit www.jccf.org/giving-day for more information. #GivingDayJC #accessjohnsoncounty #GiveWhereYouLive #GatewayServices We are only three days away from Giving Day!
Looking for one more reason to participate? You don't even have to leave your house! While we'd love to have you join us in the Giving Day festivities, you don't have to attend to make a life-changing impact. Giving Day makes it easy for anyone to donate from anywhere because of the JCCF's digital giving platform. This means you can donate at any time of the day from whatever device you may have. All you have to do is visit www.jccf.org to make your donation. #GiveWhereYouLive #GivingDayJC #accessjohnsoncounty #GatewayServices 4 days to Giving Day!
Need another reason to give? Donating to our organization can help hundreds of citizens with disabilities in our community. We can provide excellent resources to help these individuals, but we need your help! Please consider clicking here to donate on June 21st. From donuts to yoga to burgers and a giant block party, the Johnson County Community Foundation has a great day planned for Giving Day on June 21st. Check out the schedule. We'll see you there! 5 days to Giving Day!
Need a reason to give? Donating to a good cause brings more meaning to your life. You can make an impact by donating even the smallest amount. Gateway Services of Johnson County will benefit greatly if you choose to donate on Giving Day (June 21st). Click here to donate. Please note: This link will only accept donations on June 21st, Giving Day! Not sure what Giving Day is? Check out this post!
Don't forget to make a donation to support our mission. You can donate here on June 21! What is Giving Day? A one-day $60,000 match challenge event that will allow Gateway to set up an endowment for future services and help fund current services! As a not for profit serving people with developmental disabilities for 55 years, we want to be around for the next 55 years! When is Giving Day? June 21, 2018 from 12am to 11:59 pm! How to Donate on Giving Day! On 6.21.18, make your charitable contribution online at jccf.org Drop your check off at the Johnson County Community Foundation ofc. at 398 S. Main St., Franklin, IN 46131 By mail, P.O. 216, Franklin, IN 46131--must be postmarked by 6/21/18! Checks can be made out to JCCF and put Gateway in the memo! How Can I Help? Volunteer that day to help at Gateway’s booth! Call 317-738-5500 to sign up! Donate and help us fund our future! Come and check out all the fun activities! Check It Out
Throughout the day, JCCF will be hosting some great fundraising events. You can find them at 398 S. Main St. Franklin! $10 donations get you:
Block Party! 6 pm - 10 pm at Johnson Co. Community Foundation, 398 S. Main St. Franklin You can see the schedule for the entire day by clicking this link, but here's a few highlights from the day:
Follow us and tag us! If you participate in Giving Day, please give us a shout out on social media to help spread the word! Use the hashtags #GatewayServices and/or #AccessJohnsonCounty in addition to the Giving Day hashtags: #GiveWhereYouLive and #GivingDayJC. And, of course, you can follow us online here: Our Summer Camp program serves students with disabilities Ages 16-22. This is an active camp with a combination of facility and community-based activities built around fun! While building on skills such as vocational, social, travel, budgeting, daily living, and team building. It's such a great time that our two weeks of camp are currently FULL for the 2018 season. Please consider donating items from our Wish List. Items can be brought to the Gateway Services offices at 3500 N. Morton, Franklin, IN 46131. For more information please contact Leann Modica at (317) 738-5500 ext. 311. Wish List for the 2018 Transition Summer Camps:
Click here for a downloadable copy of this list: ![]()