WE were back at the Johnson County Fair this year. We started serving Lemon Shake Ups in 1972 which makes 2022 our 50th Anniversary.
While I was at the county fair I overheard a conversation wondering where to get drinks. I of course, not being shy in the least piped up "Gateway Services Lemon Shake Up stand". Then I told them we have had 50 years of experience in making them and they are the best on the Johnson County Fair grounds. More Lemon news: Each year we squeeze 65 cases which is over 10,000 lemons! Bargersville First Christian Church opens their kitchen and dining space so we can squeeze all those lemons. We used 665 pounds of sugar this year - all was donated! We purchased 199 bags of ice from Whiteland FFA students. We received over $2,000 in donations to assist with the expenses for the fair. Johnson Memorial Hospital donated the cups for the shake ups this year. Also a huge shout out to the 200+ volunteers it takes to squeeze the lemons in advance and work at the county fair every day. We could not do it without you! The money raised helps us to continue to serve people with disabilities and to keep the public transit service going in Johnson County. YOU help us do what we do and WE THANK YOU! If you are interested in helping next year please feel free to contact Becky Allen at [email protected]. Large or small, young or seasoned (not old) we have jobs for everyone. See you next year .......
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