Wow how time flies!!
My grandmother told me that time speeds up the older you get. At 22 years old with 2 children under the age of 3 that didn't make any sense to me. Well those two children are now 37 and 35 and I have 1 grand child that is 10 years old. In the blink of an eye it feels like they grew up and too fast. Much like the Summer of 2020. I don't know about you but I am ready for 2020 to be done with. Tired of COVID, Tired of the civil unrest, tired of hearing bout the elections, tired of Covid (oops now I am repeating myself). I am looking forward to the cooler days and nights. Wondering what is going to happen to Halloween and trick or treating in this time of COVID and social distancing. Wondering what Thanksgiving and Christmas is going to look like this year too. Will all of my brothers and sisters and their children and their children's children get to be together this year or not. I am tired of being fearful and tired of restricting the people I see or hang out with. I will continue to wear my mask and social distance as much as possible, however I am ready for a BIG family gathering. I have my 40th class reunion this Saturday and I have decided to attend. We will start the day with a tour of our high school. Then end it on a farm around a bon fire or in a barn if the weather doesn't permit us being outside. I will wear my mask and social distance and their will be loads of hand sanitizer and I am determined to have fun and try and enjoy the cool fall evening and reconnect with people for a change. Hope I haven't forgotten how to have a conversation masked face to masked face. Wow how time flies 40 years (when did that happen).