What a crazy busy year we have had. We participated in Dancing with the Johnson County Stars again this year. Our Dancer was Kelly Ellis owner of Naura Wellness located in Franklin, Indiana. If you get a chance go in and see her. She is one amazing person and her shop is also very amazing. She one best dancer on Friday, September 13 and she also got most valuable dancer on Saturday, September 14.
With her help we implemented 3 new fundraisers. Family Summer Fun Fest, Voting for a Cause (new flavors for Lemon Shake ups) and a Masquerade Ball. We used all the proceeds to match United Way of Indiana grant to repave our parking lot and put in new flooring in our Day Program. We also took the opportunity to put new flooring in the big training room that was put in by volunteers for United Way of Johnson County's Day of Caring. Our volunteers for this project was Stockyard Bank and Trust employees and the did an awesome job on the flooring and cleaning up buses and landscaping. We also had some Johnson County Librarians that helped with some of that and did a project with our participants of the Day Program. Most recently once the new floor in day program was installed it became apparent we needed to paint back there again (last time was 2029) and those walls were pretty banged up. We have been looking to purchase new chairs in that area due to the age and frequent fixing of chairs and making sure that people are safe and comfortable. What a blessing if they all matched as it looks like a hodge podge of chairs some here as long as I've been here (32 years). November 2024 we were awarded a grant through Johnson County Community Foundation for new chairs for that area. So with those dollars and dollars given to us from Franklin Meijers and more dollars from our Drivers Association (employees that give a little through payroll deduction for the needs of any participant of any program of Gateway Services) we will be getting between 50-60 new chairs all the same color all with arms and all rated for increased weight capacity. I can tell you we have been blessed since 2019-2024 with Kitchen remodel (Leadership Johnson County Project), Bathroom remodel in Day Program by Greenwood Christian Church (both of those for free) as well as painting of both of those areas at that time. We have painted our building that is now a pleasing gray and we have painted almost every surface of our building inside over the last 1.5 years. Gateway Services appreciates all of those people that have helped us through the years to make the needed improvements of our facility. Our latest fundraiser is a NO Show Holiday Ball on December 31, 2024. Don't come - Stay home in your comfortable clothes but donate a cost of a ticket $25 to a very good cause. Just think you do not have to come out and sit with people you don't even know or like ;-). All the monies raised will go toward a the cost of an unexpected furnace A/C combo repair and for a rebuilt engine that went out suddenly as well. We wish you and yours Happy Holiday. Becky A